Each year the magical, Caribbean island of Barbados holds a festival to celebrate scuba diving, free diving and marine conservation. This year, Nick and Caroline went...
In this ongoing series, we speak to the people who run dive centres, resorts and liveaboards from around the world about their businesses and the diving...
In the second part of our Dive Fest Diaries, we visit the north of the island to dive with Cabrits Dive Centre. We were staying at...
In this ongoing series, we speak to the people who run dive centres, resorts and liveaboards from around the world about their businesses and the diving...
Our recent trip to Dominica saw us diving with three different dive centres as part of the Dive Fest celebrations. Two of these dive centres are...
In this ongoing series, we speak to the people who run dive centres, resorts and liveaboards from around the world about their businesses and the diving...
By Bryan Horne, Dive Curaçao Last time, we provided you some insight on “The Top Dive Sites of Eastern Curaçao” that are littered with wall dives, wreck dives, shore...
Dominica Dive Fest: Kids learn about the underwater world
By Bryan Horne, Dive Curaçao The island nation of Curaçao is home to some of the Caribbean’s last thriving coral reefs and represents a window into the...
We were recently on assignment for Dive Travel Adventures magazine in the Caribbean, diving and exploring the beautiful island of Dominica. Our itinerary was designed to...
In this ongoing series, we speak to the people who run dive centres, resorts and liveaboards from around the world about their businesses and the diving...
Dominica has long been famous for it resident population of Sperm Whales. It is the whale watching capital of the Caribbean. On our recent trip on...
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