Each year the magical, Caribbean island of Barbados holds a festival to celebrate scuba diving, free diving and marine conservation. This year, Nick and Caroline went...
In the second part of our Dive Fest Diaries, we visit the north of the island to dive with Cabrits Dive Centre. We were staying at...
By Bryan Horne, Dive Curaçao Last time, we provided you some insight on “The Top Dive Sites of Eastern Curaçao” that are littered with wall dives, wreck dives, shore...
By Bryan Horne, Dive Curaçao The island nation of Curaçao is home to some of the Caribbean’s last thriving coral reefs and represents a window into the...
Dominica has long been famous for it resident population of Sperm Whales. It is the whale watching capital of the Caribbean. On our recent trip on...
Our final day of diving had arrived, and while we were sad about this, we knew we had an amazing set of dives ahead of us....
As well as our exciting shark dives that you can read about in our previous two posts about Grand Bahama, there are plenty of colourful reef...
If you want to get up close and personal to photograph Great Hammerhead sharks then Bimini, in the Bahamas, is the place for you. Every winter,...
The Bahamas is not just about shark diving! Honestly! There is plenty to explore both above and below the water. We had some time to spare...
Andros is a Bahamian island we had not visited on any of our previous trips and so we were looking forward to a new experience. We...
We have recently returned from an action-packed trip to The Bahamas. In fact, there is so much to tell you about, that we are going to...
We have arrived in Barbados, and to be honest the flight here was a real pleasure. Not only did we find ourselves in premium seats, thanks...
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